dimanche 29 septembre 2013

If you're not living in Morocco, you're missing a lot

Do you hate your country ? Do you feel like born in the wrong place ? Are you tired of waiting for people to change ? Then you must be not a Moroccan and you should pack your stuff fly, sail or even walk if you have to, because you're missing a lot by not living in Morocco.

Tips about what you are going to waste time reading : the following article is not a "hospitality in Morocco" kind of writings, it's about more, things that only a Proud Moroccan can see and apprecite.

Most people hate their addiction to TV, if you are one of them don't worry, the amount of crap that's being aired on Moroccan channels will get you to burn your TV.

Are you afraid that someday you'll disappear and no one would notice ? That wont be a fear anymore, people here appreciate the gift of senses especially their eyes and ears.

Do you hate your integrity ? Do you wanna stop supporting the truth, and can't do nothing about it ?  It only takes a bottle here to convince you.

Don't you hate how risky journalists' life is ? Do you wanna write about fashion, music, and country's accomplishments and still be called a journalist ? Well, you came to the right place.

Alcoholism is everybody's worst nightmare -in addition to drunken problematic neighbor- so the decision makers in Morocco came up with a strict drinking policy which is putting undercover cops next to liquor stores and bars and once you get drunk they get you to jail.

Imagine you're in a subway thinking how the magician on TV could bring a card out of nowhere, and someone interrupts that by talking about politics and stuff that needs a lot of thinking. Such things don't happen in Morocco because we don't have subways and the decision makers thought it'd be better for people to not talk about politics, so they gave the undercover cops another type of people to arrest.

So are you gonna pack them bags or need a tutorial ?