mardi 29 octobre 2013

What is a Moroccan.

Every society raises a stereotypical figure inside the people that belong to it, this figure, or ego to be precised holds some of the society's ideas and beliefs, or all of them -some people don't like the process of thinking- which will be mentioned in the following article.

Superstition : If your hair starts falling it's not due to aging or some health problems, it's either the devils are pissed because you poured hot water at the sink or someone hates and put a spell on you.

Praising or courtesy : One thing a Moroccan hates mostly is a compliment , never compliment a  Moroccan ever! Especially if one or some of your friends got sick someday, this means you're a bad fortune and your compliments may cause a damage.

Criticism : Do not -under any circumstances- try to comment about a Moroccan's decisions or whatever they do or say no matter how wrong it is,  it's worse than asking a woman to calm down when she's storming, it's like telling her "you're fat".

Pride : This is why you can't criticize a Moroccan, because you're jealous of their achievements, skills and beauty and that's due to your lack of any, and not that they did something wrong.

Complaining : Despite it's being a pain in the ass, for Moroccans complaining is a great conversation starter.
 -"hey, the weather is bad in this country"
-"what's not nad in this country ?"
-"bye, *he/she didn't ask me how I am doing, manners are gone"

Prejudice  : One of the many skills that Moroccans have is the ability to tell your story and who you're according to what you wear, the way you walk or even the food you like, for instance if you like BM-not the car- you are humble and true Moroccan citizen full with noble ideas, otherwise you're a rich uncaring prick. 

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